The internet is a pool of resources and stakeholders and there exist a connection between them called a network. When you are sharing something from one end to another, you would obviously like to keep it private. Ever since the evolution of communication over the internet has begun, attackers who have a strong knowledge over this field have emerged and harm people by spreading malware, ransomware, intruding in P2P conversations and much more. Due to this, websites, emails, messengers of different apps, social media accounts are in great threats. However, technologies have been implemented to get rid of these attacks by a lot of research and development. The administrators of web servers have to constantly maintain the infrastructure and software in order to stay protected. Web security consists of 2 main parts: internal and public. This is a relative type of security which is high when only a few resources are present. Web security is the one where security for web applications and sites are applied.

Types of security threats:

  • Cross-site scripting– it is a kind of vulnerability that is applied by bypassing a client side script in a manner in which the scripts at the other end is manipulated or new scripts are induced into the victim’s site which is viewed by other users as though you scripted it.
  • SQL injection– is the one in which malicious code is sent as a query to the database with the intention to project malware and destroy the data present in it.
  • Denial of service (DOS) – it is the type of malware where the attacker hacks a system and makes it unavailable for the user to access the system.
  • Buffer overflow– it is a type of error in which the user adds the data more than the limit of the size of the buffer specified in the program. For example, if the minimum limit of adding inputs of a particular buffer is 100 and the user enters 200 inputs, instead of discarding the command, if the inputs are taken, the buffer overflow occurs.

How do we get rid of these threats?

Well, earlier, when the attackers and their strategies were investigated and found, many security engineers came up with few technological applications that could be applied to get rid of these threats as a remedy as well as a prevention measure. Firstly, black box testing and white box testing is recommended to keep track of changes happening in the application being developed and security measures have been added to test if the application built is secure. Other than these, there are other applications like firewall which acts as a barrier to let only the secure applications to enter into the system. Firewalls are being advanced by providing proxy firewalls (this type will have two firewalls) for extra security and management. One advantage of this web security measures is that the vulnerabilities will be stored for the admin to analyze the vulnerability and further improvise the security more and more.